
Save on Homeowners Insurance

Save on Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance can be expensive, and in the years where you don’t have to file a claim, paying a high premium can seem like a waste of money. Did you know that you can reduce your insurance premium, saving hundreds of dollars, just by installing deadbolt locks on your home?

Many homeowner’s insurance providers will give policyholders discounts for installing deadbolt locks on all exterior doors of their home. While not all insurances offer this discount, finding a provider who does can ultimately save you hundreds of dollars over your lifetime. 

Deadbolt locks make it difficult for home intruders to enter your home, making it less likely for you to file a homeowner’s insurance claim, which saves your provider money. It’s best to call your insurance agent directly for more information on what discounts are available to you. 

New Installation vs. Existing

Many homes already have deadbolt locks installed on their front door, which may not be enough to qualify for an insurance premium discount. If your insurance provider offers this particular discount, you will likely need to have deadbolt locks installed on not one, but all exterior doors. 

If you’ve purchased a home that has pre-existing deadbolt locks installed, there’s a chance that your homeowner’s insurance provider has already used that information within the quote that they provided, meaning your discount was already applied. Be sure to contact your insurance provider to see if they applied the appropriate discounts for deadbolt locks to your policy. 

In addition to saving you money, deadbolt locks are a smart investment that provides inexpensive and fast security to your home. Picking a lock and deadbolt takes time that home intruders simply do not have when it comes to breaking into a house. Sometimes the simplest solutions can offer your family the most substantial protection. 

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to have deadbolt locks installed in your home, contact R.J. Lock and Security today at 410-213-8477, or email rjopensit@rjlocksmith.com.


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