
When You Will Need a Locksmith to Open Your Safe

Person holding half a key near a lock

Safes are common items in homes and businesses to store valuables and personal items. They are practical and achieve the goal of keeping items secure, but sometimes safes work too well and lock out the owner. There are occasions when you will need a locksmith to open your safe. 

Maintenance and high-quality safes can decrease the chances that you will be locked out. But when you need us, R.J. Lock & Security has been proudly securing the shore for over 30 years and is available 24/7!

5 Times You Will Need to Call a Locksmith

1. Broken Keys

It can happen! Sometimes you go to turn the key in the lock and it snaps. This often happens with corroded locks and keys, which is why regular maintenance is crucial to the security of your safe. You’ll need to call a locksmith for assistance in retrieving the broken piece of the key that’s stuck in the lock.

2. Lost Keys/Forgotten Safe Combinations

This is one of the most common reasons locksmiths are called to open safes. Whether you inherited the safe without a key or the combination got lost somewhere along the way, R.J. Lock is here to help. 

3. Damage to the Safe

There are many different types of damage that a safe can incur. The locking bolts can be jammed and misaligned, making it impossible to open even with the key or combination. For electronic safes, you may experience internal damage to the wiring that stops the keypad from unlocking the door. 

4. Lockout Mode 

More advanced, electronic safes have extra security features to keep your belongings secure. The automatic lockout mode will engage after the code has been entered incorrectly a certain number of times. If you find yourself in a situation where the safe will no longer allow you to open it, contact R.J. Lock & Security to access it.

5. Unmaintained Safes

A safe has to be maintained and taken care of or else you have a higher chance of experiencing any of the issues we listed above. Keep your safe and the locks functioning the way they are supposed to so that your valuables are well protected and easily accessible when you need them.

If you have any questions about safe maintenance or are looking to find the right safe for your needs, contact R.J. Lock & Security today!


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